I can't believe that it has taken me this long to post pictures from Rob's graduation! Time seems to fly by and before I knew it July is almost over!
Well before I put it off any longer I am going to post the pictures. I don't have as many as I thought I did but I will post the ones that kinda turned out.
Rob is the one in the middle.
Rob, again...
Rob :)
Dad, Mom, Rob and Chrissy
Mom and Rob
Dad and Rob
Rob and my sweet sister-in-law, Chrissy.
Most of the Family.
From left to right
Rhonda, Amanda, me, Jonathan, Monica, Rob, Gay (my dad's cousin), Chrissy, Beckisue, David (Gay's husband), Dad, Caleb (Gay's son) and Mom.
After the graduation the Baptist graduates had a celebration.
The three graduates with their pastor
Gay and Dad
Amanda, Gay and I.
All three of us were in black and white that day.