Hey everyone!
My birthday was yesterday for all of you who didn't know. And I am now 17! Well a week ago Alicia Healey came over for the weekend. It was a lot of fun! We laughed so hard we couldn't breath a few tames! :D
Anyway Brian Smith's birthday is 8 days before mine. So for the last two years we have had him over to celebrate our b-days together. So he came over last Saturday while Alicia was here. We had pie, played some games and watched Princess Bride!
Jonathan came home for Thanksgiving so he was here for my b-day!!! I was very happy about that!
Well yesterday Mom, Beckisue, Rhonda, Amanda and I went shopping!!! I LOVE shopping!!! Well after we got home we were all eating lunch and talking about Will Robbins and how Jonathan wanted to meet him but he wouldn't be able to this weekend while he is here. Then we got an idea. Will was staying the weekend at his sisters house and baby-sitting her dauther. So we decided to take my b-day dinner over there and have it with him. So we did! Oh it was so much FUN getting to spend my 17th birthday with Will and most of my family!
me and Alicia