Last weekend was the Reformation Day Faire in Illinois. My family, along with Alicia, got to go to it. We had a wonderful time! There was a lot of history we learned and we got to fellowship with other Christians.
Charlie Zahm did the music for the weekend and it was so beautiful and fun!
They had the Highland games for all the guys and then on Saturday night they had an ECD (English Country Dance). That was one of my favorite parts of the weekend! I had so much fun. Some of the dances were kinda hard to learn at first but most of the time once the music started it was pretty easy. There was only one dance that I knew so I had the most fun with it but all the dances were awesome!
I can't wait to go to it again next year! I hope Charlie Zahm is there again. His music is AMAZING!
We all got to talk to Charlie Zahm for a while on Saturday and it was wonderful! He is a really nice man. I enjoyed getting to know him. :)

Charlie Zahm and Alicia

Charlie Zahm and Amanda

Monica and Charlie Zahm

Charlie Zahm and me

Rhonda, Alicia and me

Beckisue, Amanda, Rhonda, me, Monica and our adopted sister for the weekend, Alicia. :)

Charlie Zahm did all the music for the faire and it was the best part of the whole weekend.

The Serven family. They sang Psalms. It it was really pretty.

The Highland games.

This isn't a video from the Reformation Faire but he did do this song last friday.