Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Alicia Came to Visit.... AGAIN!

Alicia is here for another visit. I can't seem to get rid of her... ;)
(Just kidding)

She got to come over for a few days this week. We are having a blast!
Yesterday she went with me to Indy for my voice lessons.
The poor dear had to hear all of my voice warm up... but she didn't die... ;)

After my voice lesson, while Monica and Amanda were taking theirs, she and I went out for coffee. Well, I had coffee, but that crazy girl doesn't like coffee. :P I'm still trying to figure out what happened to her that she is so weird! :D

Anyway, crazy or not, we have been having a wonderful time together!
I love my friend!

(I had to say something nice cause she is sitting right next to me right now...)

My voice teacher, Danielle. I love her! She is the best teacher in the world!

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